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Bed Bug Bites Causes and Symptoms

Bed bugs refer to parasitic insects from the cimicid family. With blood as their food, their victims are animals and humans. While they do...

Reasons Why You Might Have Missed Your Period

If you have a regular period and menstruation cycles are like clockwork, being late even for a few days make can make you worry....

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The Many Ways Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Health and Your Life

Have you ever thought of the many wonders of coconut oil? Well for starters, coconut oil comes with a wealth of benefits that can...

What are the Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency?

It's very important for anyone to opt for a well-balanced meal, which means that it contains a variety of foods that supply all of...

Diabetics Guide: Replace Your Sugar With These 6 Artificial Sweeteners

Despite the clamour against artificial sweeteners, overall, they are still a healthier option than sugar. This is particularly useful to those people suffering from...

Treat Your Dry Eyes Naturally

Tears have oils, antibodies, proteins and mucus that protect the eyes from infection. When something is wrong with the tear system, it could cause...

Medical Conditions That Can Cause Easy Bruising

Bruises show up when trauma or impact to the skin causes tiny blood vessels called capillaries to burst and cause blood to pool or...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


Foods for Fatty Liver Diet

Fatty liver can be divided into two groups, the alcohol-induced type and the non-alcoholic type of fatty liver. As the name suggests, alcohol-induced fatty liver appears in those who...

How to Stop Your Sugar Addiction Fast

You’ve probably experienced the sudden need to eat something sweet at one point in the day. Well, you are not alone because people all...

Get Back to Working out After a Long Break

So, you got injured, got sick, got too busy at work or went on vacation. Now, you’ve got to a point where you’ve skipped...

Is Your Poop Normal

Admit it, you’ve looked down the toilet at least once to see what your number two looke d like. Well, this practice can actually tell a...
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