22.7 C
United States of America
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
It irks me so whenever I see on the news or read on the Internet or papers how institutions are insisting that people should get flu shots annually. These...

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7 Dry Hair Treatments Found in Your Kitchen

There is a common misconception that all hair care products are the same. Most people just grab the first shampoo or conditioner from the shelf and...

Pneumonia Management

Pneumonia is the infection of the lungs, affecting the alveoli, the microscopic air sacs. It is caused by viral or bacterial infection, some medical...

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Skin Tips


Pimple Breakouts? Eat More of These!

Stop or prevent pimple breakouts from happening without going to an expensive session with a dermatologist by increasing your consumption of any of these...

The Relationship between Early Morbidity and Low Testosterone Levels

Do you feel like you’re more prone to getting sick, or are getting sick more often as you grow older? It may not just...

Baking Soda Recipes to Fight Dandruff

We all know how embarrassing it is to see white flakes falling down on our shoulders every time we brush our hair or run...

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore throat is one of the most common illnesses to acquire. We can get it just by eating sweet treats, drinking or eating cold...

Tips on How to Put Up your own Home Gym

Who needs to work out at a gym and spend thousands on gym memberships when you can build your own home gym? You don’t need...

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Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.

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Foods to Keep Weight After Juice Fast

Going on a juice cleanse is actually a great idea as it not only helps get rid of the toxins in your body but also helps restart your metabolism...

3 Ways Sugar Is Good for Your Skin

Who doesn't love sweets? Maybe there are people who does not have a sweet-tooth but mostly people like sweets, especially this holiday season. There...

Following the Gallbladder Diet

Most of us don't really pay much attention to our gallbladder unless it acts up. For most people, their focus is on their heart,...

Workouts that will Boost Metabolism in Women in their 40s and Beyond

Developing a well-toned body should not be a chore. You can achieve good results at half the time using effective workout movements that burn...

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