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Foods that Can Help You Become Fertile

There is a common misconception that eating certain foods can help us become more fertile. Although there is some truth to the matter, the concept is...

Juvenile Arthritis: What Parent’s Need to Know

This article on Juvenile Arthritis: What Parent’s Need to Know is dedicated to providing very helpful information on the condition in the hopes of...

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Common Causes of Collarbone Pain

Also known as the clavicle, your collarbone is a slightly S-shaped bone whose one end is attached to your sternum or breastbone and the other...

Top 8 Activities Energy-Filled People Do Daily

People from all walks of life need the energy in order for them to live life to the fullest. It really doesn’t matter what you...

Dealing with Chilblains Naturally

Chilblains refer to red and painful skin inflammation that is brought about by the abrupt warming of the skin after being exposed to cold,...

Anemia Causes, Symptoms, Remedies

Anemia refers to low red blood cell and hemoglobin count in the bloodstream. It may also refer to the blood’s limited ability to carry...

Erectile Dysfunction and Its Impact on Men’s Health

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, takes place when a man is no longer able to get an erection. This may also happen when he can...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


How to Feel Great Starting Today!

The holidays have already passed and now it's the start of a new year. You may have that list of resolutions, but how can you start? There is one thing...

Health and Beauty Benefits of Arnica Montana

Arnica montana is native to the mountainous regions of Europe and Siberia. Bearing head-turning yellow flowers, the herb is extensively cultivated for medicinal and...

Yoga for Social Anxiety

Physical exercise has always been a good part of physical and mental health. A lot of studies have proven the positive effects of physical...

Skin Ulcers: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

If you think that ulcers can only form in your stomach, better think again. The truth is they can also form on your skin....
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