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Recipe for Making Sesame Seed Butter (And Why Consume It, Too)

Have you already tried sesame seed butter in the not-so-distant past and now you can't get it out of your head? Instead of heading...

Home Remedies for Rash in Skin Folds

Skin folds on your body tend to be moist and dark a lot of times, thus they are places where bacteria like to thrive....

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How to Cleanse Your Body in One Day

No matter how hard we wish, there is no way one-day solution to magically dissolve the excess weight that we are carrying. However, this doesn’t mean...

Superb Beauty Uses of Cayenne Pepper

Everyone knows that cayenne pepper can make anything that it is added to really hot. However, not too many people are aware that cayenne...

Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Green Tea

There's no denying that green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the face of the planet. It doesn't really come as a surprise...

Why the Sun Can Help Lower Your Osteoporosis Risk

Everyone knows that calcium is important for strengthening the bones and lowering a person's risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Did you know that there...

History of vegetarianism: Leo Tolstoy

It should be no surprise that the philosopher, novelist, and humanitarian Leo Tolstoy was an avowed vegetarian. By all accounts, he lived on a very...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


The best ways to remove self-doubt

Doubting one’s self is a common problem – and the effects are more insidious than most people think. It’s highly possible that self-doubt has probably stopped somebody from coming up with...

Kitchen Tips to Help You Eat Healthier

People say that how you organize your home can dictate how you organize your life. So, what does it say when you have a...

Methods to Gain Weight Naturally

There are a hundred articles popping up right this moment addressing weight loss or increasing the metabolism. The weight loss industry is one of...

Indian Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Whether your mane is thin or you are unhappy with your short hairstyle, accelerating hair growth is the solution. Worry not because traditional Indian...
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