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What Happens When You Stop Your Diet?

Most of us turn to ready-made diet plans to help us achieve a certain weight or because we want to improve our overall health. We restrict...

How To Fully Conceal Acne Marks and Dark Circles

The nightmarish memory of youth, of trying to cover up new acne marks caused by puberty and dark circle caused by late night cramming...

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The Benefits of a Cherry Diet

Eating cherries might not help you lose weight, it is very effective in making you healthy and lively. Better sleep, considerably less headaches, slower...

Weight Loss Juice Recipes that Work

Do you want to speed up your metabolism so you can see pounds drop from your weight? Well, aside from starting on a new...

Whiten Your Nails Naturally

A lot of women are guilty of skipping using base coat on their nails because it takes up a lot of their time. Unfortunately,...

What is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

Have you ever heard of the Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD? Well, it appears that PMS has an evil twin in the guise of...

Tanning Addiction: How to Beat It

Because your sun-kissed glow tend to gather lots and lots of attention and compliments, tanning can be quite addicting. This is true even if...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


5 Best Exercises for Diabetics

People are often encouraged to exercise as this is a good way to get rid of those excess fats while at the same time, toning and sculpting muscles. However,...

Why You Should Include Boysenberries in Your Diet

Fresh boysenberries are hard to come by. But fret not because you may come across them in frozen or canned form if you pay...

Three Quick and Easy Remedies for Toothache

Toothache can get so bothersome that even when you’re not eating, you’d feel the throbbing pain of the nerves on your tooth, distracting you...

Want to Increase Your Energy Levels? Here’s How

There will be a certain time of your life when you’ll wonder how other people are able to do what they do and still...
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