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Why is the Kettlebell Swing the Perfect Exercise?

In these times where most people are glued to their seats at work, finding that one exercise that can help correct their posture while...

Mental Tricks to Feel In Control When Life Is Getting You Down

We often feel out of control during stressful situation. Days where nothing seems right and responsibilities are looming every waking moment. Constant stress can...

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Beauty Tips from Hardware Supplies

There are a few reasons for you to go to your local hardware store. Got a leaky faucet? A new DIY project? Planning to...

Kick-start Your Late Period

Periods are bothersome, but it can be a lot more bothersome if it doesn’t arrive on time. We tend to stress out whenever our...

5-Minute Hairstyles for Long Hair

We just can't get enough of our long hair as it frames our face and adds character to our overall visage. But as much...

Athlete’s Foot Home Remedies

Athlete’s foot or tinea pedis is a skin infection of the feet. While it usually affects any part of the foot, the fungal infection...

Whiten Skin Fast with Natural Remedies

There are many reasons for our skin to darken, such as constant exposure to the sun, dirt, and pollution. Sweat, oil, and makeup products,...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


Rosehip Oil: The Ultimate Anti-Aging Oil?

You've probably come across rosehip oil when you are looking for skin care products that are good for your skin. Well, there has been a lot of benefits associated...

Treatment Polishes for Stronger and Healthier Nails

Women just can't get enough of nail polishes, on how they bring out their quirky or mysterious side, or how they make their hands...

Fundamentals of Household Farming and its Benefits

Organic living has been part of the common trends in the previous years. The general masses are shifting their lifestyles to green living. This...

Use this Very Cheap and Common Spice to Get Rid of Acne

Acne lotions, creams and soaps are available all year round at the local pharmacy. Did you know that there is a culinary spice that...
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