2.5 C
United States of America
Saturday, April 20, 2024
When we watch the news and the weatherman comes on, we often hear them use the phrase “It is going to be very humid.” But what does humidity really...

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Indian Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

Trying to lose excess pounds? One of the most important things that you should do is turn your back on unhealthy snacks. If you...

Why you Should Eat More Avocados

A very rich, fatty and savory fruit that is wonderful in both savory and sweet dishes.  They are simply awesome for being delicious while...

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Common Causes of Black Toenails

You are pretty sure that you didn't paint your toenails with black nail polish in order to complete a head-to-toe emo look. But still your toenails...

Reasons to Include Red Wine Vinegar in Your Diet

Everyone knows that red wine offers numerous health benefits, provided that it's taken in moderation — that's 1 glass per day for women and...

No Heat Pretty Curls

Curled hair looks great on everybody, no matter the length, hair color and hair type. Heat is one of the leading causes of hair...

7 Great Exercises to Help Fight Symptoms of Depression

Depression isn’t something to joke about. It’s not just teenage angst, quarter-life crisis, or simply an excuse that grown-ups make. There are hundreds of...

Makeup Tips for Newbies

Applying makeup is not easy, especially for people that are trying it for the first time. Make up is something we have to learn...

Beauty Tips

Make Up

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Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Seaweed

When talking about seaweed, the first thing that will most likely pop in your head is the underwater plants that cling to your legs when you go swimming out...

Must Try Lipsticks for Fall

Upgrading one’s wardrobe is relatively easy compared to choosing what lipstick shade to wear to match the season. Pale hues look great especially when...

Recipe for Making Mustard Green Chips

It's plain to see why mustard greens should be regularly included in your diet — they are part of the cruciferous family of vegetables...

Top 7 Foods to Reduce Your Appetite and Make You Feel Fuller

Do you want to eat healthy foods or are you trying to lose weight? Whatever your reasons are, you must be having trouble keeping...

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