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Saturday, April 20, 2024
Back fat is one of the hardest areas to get rid of when losing weight. Also those back bulge around the bra area does not add plus points to...

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Important Tips for Losing Weight for Women Over 40

Now that you have reached your 40s, you’ve probably noticed changes in your body that weren’t there before. Signs such as weight gain, lines,...

Things You Need to Know Before Getting LASIK Surgery

Not having 20-20 vision is a real inconvenience to many people. Contact lenses are tedious to wear and maintain. If you use it, you...

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Home Remedies for a Burnt Tongue

Did you just make the mistake of taking a sip of piping-hot espresso, a spoonful of just-simmered chowder, or a bite of freshly-baked pizza?...

Here are Food Items that will Help you Maintain a Youthful Glow this Winter

Winter can make a mess out of your skin. The combination of dry winds, low temperature, low humidity levels and indoor heating will take...

Ways to Manage Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, medically known as tinea pedis, is the fungal infection of the feet. The causative agent may infect any part of the foot,...

Effective Scrubs for Oily Skin

It’s important to perform regular scrubbing or exfoliating. This will remove build up in the pores and dead skin cells. This is essentially important...

Remove Unwanted Bra Bulge with These Exercises

We spend a huge fraction of our time working out our “problem areas”. We mostly work on our abdominal muscles, legs, buttocks and arms....

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Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.

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Breast Upsized the Natural Way

There are a lot of ways women can find to increase their breast size. The first thing people usually think about when breast enhancement is brought up is ‘surgery’,...

Home Remedies for Amenorrhea

Put simply, amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstruation. It's not to be confused with menopause in which there is cessation in the menstrual...

Plants that Boost Wellness

Did you know that taking advantage of Mother Nature’s bounty can help us achieve wellness? As a matter of fact, ancient folk remedies made use of...

10 Inflammation Fighting Foods You Should Add to Your Diet

Inflammation is part of your body ’s immune response and part of its healing process. However, when it's out of control and became chronic...

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