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Effects of Hair Bleaching

Hair bleaching has always been the norm come the summer season as it can help make your tanned skin stand out even more. Unfortunately,...

What You Should Know About Deep Conditioning

Conditioner makes your hair smooth and silky although only temporary. So why not keep it for hours right? To deep condition your hair, it's much...

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How to Rejuvenate Your Body If You Only Sleep 3 Hours a Day

7 to 9 hours — that's how long humans should sleep each and every night if they want to reap the many health perks...

Whole Body Workouts You Can Do with a Chair

A typical adult needs 30 minutes of exercise a day, but only 50% of the adult population get their 30 minutes a day. Most...

Signs You May Have Silent Reflux

Everyone with acid reflux knows that eating spicy, greasy or acidic foods can lead to heartburn, that hard-to-overlook burning sensation in the chest. However,...

Exertion Headaches: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Does your head ache after carrying out any demanding physical activity such as pumping iron or playing tennis? You may be experiencing what's called...

Real Mom Tips for Losing Pregnancy Weight

Mothers often lose some pregnancy weight after giving birth especially when they breastfeed their baby and once their usual metabolism kick starts once more,...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


Tips on Getting Rid of Marionette Lines

There are simply so many types of wrinkles that can appear on the face, so much so that each one of them is called by a name. Lines that...

Everyday Habits That Worsen Vertigo

Does it seem like the room is spinning even though you're perfectly still? You may have what's called vertigo, and this article will get you introduced...

DIY Lip Balms That Are So Much Better

Lip balms help moisturize our dry lips so they will be extra kissable but with all the products being sold today, it's easy to...

Tips for Sensitive Skin Care

Are you constantly struggling when taking care of your skin? Is the product that you are using making you break out in pimples and rashes? It...
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