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Recommended Foods for Pregnancy

Women find pregnancy to be a time for more awareness when it comes to the food that they eat. This is understandable because you...

How to Make a Body Spray That Can Combat Anxiety

In this day and age, you'll be hard-pressed to find someone who isn't suffering from anxiety every now and then. Anxiety can be considered...

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Foods to Eat in Gastritis Diet

Gastritis is the term used to refer to any inflammation that happens on the stomach lining. This can either be acute, or something that...

How Your Body Clock Make Or Break Your Health

Our lives are governed by daily rhythms, such as the sleep-wake cycle that tells us when it is time to get up or fall asleep. The...

Remove Acne Scars Naturally

Acne vulgaris also known as acne is a common skin disease experience by most human beings. It is an inflammatory problem, whereas the sebaceous...

Remedies to Combat Dry Skin

There are many causes for our skin to dry such as lack of moisture in the air, genes, and poor skin care routine. It...

Tips to Keep Your Nose From Getting Sunburned

Because your nose is sticks out, it's something that can get sunburned much faster than the rest of your face. Having a sunburned nose...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


The Six Easy Ways for an Allergy-Proof Home

Allergies come and go. Some allergens induce minor attacks, whilst some are serious in that hospitalization may be required. Either way, it’s always recommended to err on the side...

Baking Soda Recipes for Skin Problems

Fast Facts about Baking Soda Baking soda is a kitchen staple, which means you don’t need to worry about rushing to the nearest grocery store...

Vasculitis: When Your Immune System Attacks Your Blood Vessels

Your immune system safeguards your health by attacking bacteria, viruses and fungi that invade the body. However, in some instances it may also show...

8 Advantages of Functional Wellness Exercise

A sound way of life constitutes of a decent eating regimen and a legitimate wellness schedule. Utilitarian preparing is essentially a type of activity...
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