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6 Fitness Holidays spent around the World

The Philippines – The Philippines is one of the trendiest off-kilter spots around the world for new age wellness, surf, yoga, crossfit, and overall...

Health and Beauty Benefits of Carnations

Carnations are some of the most common flowers on the planet. It's due to this why they usually grace all sorts of life milestones,...

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These Foods Can Help You Enjoy Whiter Skin

You can rush to the nearest beauty shop and get your hands on all sorts of skin whitening soaps and creams. Or you can...

Sore Nipples Facts and Home Remedies

Most women have experienced sore nipples at one point in their lives and it is one of the concerns for breastfeeding mothers. The following...

Reasons Why Your Contact Lenses Feel Scratchy

You wear contact lenses to avoid wearing those oftentimes cumbersome prescription glasses or sometimes have a head-turning eye color, and not to leave you...

Remember to Drink These for Sharper Memory

Can't remember why you drove several miles to get to the grocery store because you misplaced your shopping list? And before you hit the...

Best Essential Oils to Make Stretch Marks Disappear

Stretch marks can appear on our skin when you experience sudden weight gain, like when you become pregnant, gained more muscles at a rapid rate, or...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


Reasons for You to Enjoy Pointed Gourd (Parwal)

Pointed gourd is related to the likes of squash and cucumber. Although native to India, it can also be found in many other parts of Asia. It bears fruits...

Three Exercise Routines That Will Trim Your Waist

What was once a 24-inch waist has now merged with your hips. We understand the pain and denial behind the weight gain, but you...

Keratosis Pilaris Facts and Home Remedies

Keratosis pilaris, also known as chicken skin, lichen pilaris, and follicular keratosis, is an autosomal dominant genetic follicular condition. It is characterized by rough...

Get Beautiful Nails with Coconut Oil

Our nails deserve to be pampered and cared for if we want to have beautiful and strong nails. There are many factors that can...
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