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United States of America
Sunday, May 19, 2024


Melinda Hoppernman

2562 POSTS

Health Benefits of Banana Blossom or Flower

A lot of you may not even eat this often or perhaps you never even had it at all.  You can buy them whole...

Why you Should Eat More Avocados

A very rich, fatty and savory fruit that is wonderful in both savory and sweet dishes.  They are simply awesome for being delicious while...

Embarrassing, Dark Areas on Your Skin? The Best Remedies are Natural

Many people complain for ages of skin problems not knowing they are using the wrong products with ingredients which are unnatural and can be...

30 Bad Habits that Tarnish Hair and Skin Quality

Becoming generally healthy, well groomed and fairly blemish free is not supposed to be an expensive and super tedious task.  Some products and services...

Beware of These Chinese Products!

Not anything against Chinese products in totality but for real China has been mass-producing loads upon loads of terrifying and scandal-bearing, tainted produce.  Their...

Avocados: A Quickie on Preparation, Nutrition and Storage

This rich yet guiltless stone fruit is loved by many and provides good fat and antioxidants, an ingredient that easily completes daily nutrition when...

A Dozen Good Habits for Aging Gracefully (and Minimally)

Do you really have to have as much financial pull as a well off celebrity or duchess to have the health and aesthetic maintenance...

The Air-Purifying Properties of Indoor Plants

Studies from prestigious schools and universities and even NASA themselves have conducted a study on indoor plants abilities to clean air.  It is confirmed...


Moringa sometimes referred to as “miracle tree” is a popular medicinal food of the world. Different species of moringa are found in africa all...

Here are Food Items and Habits that can Make your Anxiety Worse

Are you suddenly feeling anxious? You can blame your diet and eating habits for all the jitters that you have been suffering from lately....

Here are Effective Ways to Regulate Hormones that Control Weight

One of the things that we all need to be aware of is that weight loss and weight gain are activities highly regulated by...

The Top Ten Food Items That Convert Fat To Lean

If you desire to inspire muscle growth and gain some definition, working out becomes a must. You should also remember that exercise isn’t enough...

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