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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Get to Know Some Top Alternatives to Antacids

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Antacids are medications taken for the relief of heartburn and stomach pain associated with indigestion, hyperacidity, acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

There are many different kinds of antacids available on the market. And while all of them work in the same fashion, their respective ingredients could cause varying unfavorable side effects and also serious risks.

For instance, antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide are known to cause constipation and increase a person’s risk of suffering from osteoporosis.

On the other hand, antacids with calcium carbonate in them could lead to muscle twitching, kidney stones and hypercalcemia —  a condition in characterized by the presence of too much calcium in the body that some of the organs in the body are kept from functioning optimally.

Antacids containing sodium carbonate may cause the pH of the blood to elevate. This could cause the respiratory rate to slow down, leaving you feeling fatigued or lethargic.

In order to fend off the various problems mentioned above, it’s a good idea for you to take antacid in moderation. But what if you constantly suffer from severe bouts of indigestion, hyperacidity, acid reflux or GERD?

Well, the good news is you don’t have to pop a lot of antacids in your mouth all the time — there are plenty of safer alternatives to antacids that you may count on each time.

Below you will come across some of those that you may take in place of antacids. Share this article on your different social media sites so that your family members and friends may also be able to give the following a try:

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Sometimes drinking a glass of water is enough to put an end to the issue without the need for antacids. Chugging down water dilutes stomach acid that can be blamed for the problem.


As soon as heartburn shows up, reach for a ripe banana — experts say that a banana helps reduce discomfort caused by heartburn as it coats the lining of the esophagus and stomach. Additionally, it’s capable of actually neutralizing excess stomach acid.

Ginger Tea

Many people who steer clear of antacids swear by the effectiveness of ginger tea in putting an end to heartburn. And by the way, a cup of ginger tea is also very good for dealing with so many other issues that have something to do with the digestive system.

Chamomile Tea

If you’re not fond of the taste of ginger tea, worry not — you can have a cup of chamomile tea instead. This alternative to antacids is perfect for you if your heartburn is at its worse at bedtime because chamomile tea helps fend off hyperacidity and also promote a good night’s sleep.


Got no time to brew a cup of ginger or chamomile tea? Then simply have a glass of milk. Aside from neutralizing too much stomach acid, milk also coats the inner lining of your digestive tract, keeping it from being irritated.

Greek Yogurt

Because it’s fermented milk, it doesn’t really come as a big surprise why Greek yogurt is another fantastic alternative to antacids. And by the way, Greek yogurt also contains beneficial bacteria you need for optimum digestive health.

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Everyone knows that an apple a day keeps the doctor at bay. Are you aware of the fact that an apple after a meal can keep heartburn at bay? Apple works because it contains minerals such as magnesium and calcium that make antacids work. Oh, and it’s also packed with water that helps dilute stomach acid.

Apple Cider Vinegar

For some people who suffer from indigestion, hyperacidity, acid reflux or GERD, their lifesaver is apple cider vinegar. All you have to do after a meal is take a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in it. Some people say that it works better if taken before a meal.

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