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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Use this Very Cheap and Common Spice to Get Rid of Acne

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Acne lotions, creams and soaps are available all year round at the local pharmacy. Did you know that there is a culinary spice that you may use for managing acne that’s also available at any given time of the year, although it’s so much cheaper? This article will get you introduced to such marvelous remedy for acne.

Make sure that you share this article on social media so that you family and friends who are so annoyed by their acne may also give this inexpensive and super accessible culinary spice a try.

So what’s this culinary spice that can put an end to your bout of acne? It’s black pepper!

Yes, that black-colored powder that makes you sneeze and gives everything that you add it to a mild kick is something that you may count on if you are being pestered by acne. In fact, it’s one of the many age-old home remedies for acne that never fails to impress anyone who is bugged by acne.

There are a bunch of reasons why black pepper is an effective zapper of acne:

It possesses antimicrobial properties

Upon contact, black pepper puts an end to microbial activity, which is something that can cause acne to strike. Without bacteria left on the skin, exacerbation of acne comes to a complete halt. Now all that’s left for you to do is wait for the inflammation to subside.

It is capable of reducing inflammation

Oh, there’s no need for you to wait for a long time for that inflammation to go away because black pepper can also handle that. Thanks to its amazing anti-inflammatory properties, this very popular culinary spice can help alleviate redness and swelling brought about by acne.

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It provides antioxidant protection

Black pepper can amaze with its antioxidant properties. When applied topically, it delivers antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals, and also repair skin tissues damaged by those harmful molecules. As a result, the acne-infested skin healing becomes accelerated.

Other than being super effective, another nice thing about black pepper is it’s really, really cheap. It probably even is the most affordable culinary spice on the face of the planet.

Because of its affordability, you don’t have to end up broke getting your hands on pharmaceutical remedies for acne or trying out one facial treatment after the other. With the use of black pepper, you can get rid of your acne once and for all in a way that’s all-natural and free of any potential side effect and risk.

So how do you employ black pepper for treating acne? Here are the steps:

-Get 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper. If there’s nothing but whole black pepper in your kitchen, use a spice grinder to pulverize it. Using a mortar and pestle is fine, too. By the way, you may use more or less than 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper, depending on the amount and extent of your acne. 

-Add a few drops of water. It’s a good idea for you to add one drop of water at a time to avoid making the mixture too runny, which is something that won’t stay on your skin. The goal is to come up with a sticky mixture that can stay on your face for several minutes after application. 

-You may also use plain yogurt instead of water. Some people prefer to add plain yogurt to black pepper to come up with a mixture that’s so much easier to apply. Feel free to use plain yogurt. Refrain from using flavored yogurt because its sugar content can keep you from attaining the desired result. 

-Gently massage on problem areas. Use your finger tip to apply the mixture on acne. After application, do not rinse it off right away — you have to let it stay in place for 5 to 10 minutes. After 5 to 10 minutes, thoroughly wash off black pepper mixture with water. Pat your face dry afterwards with a clean towel.

The best time to perform this super cheap and easy remedy for acne is just before you hop into bed, right after removing your makeup and thoroughly cleaning your face with a mild facial wash.

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