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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Facial Muscle Twitching: Common Causes and Remedies

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Have you ever felt that your eyelid or any other part of your face is performing a series of convulsive movements on its own? There is no need to panic because it is harmless most of the time. Although painless, facial muscle twitching can be annoying. Continue reading to know more about this very common occurrence.

Also sometimes referred to as “muscle fasciculation”, muscle twitching can actually take place anywhere on the body, and that includes the face. It’s not just a feeling — if you rush in front of the mirror, you will see that the affected part is actually twitching. It goes away on its own after a few seconds, although it is possible for it to happen again.

The culprit behind minor twitching of the muscles of the face is usually non-serious in nature, such as something related to the diet or lifestyle, and thus can be managed quite easily. On the other hand, severe muscle twitching of the face may be due to a more serious underlying condition that needs to be identified by a doctor.

For this particular article, let us focus on the kind of facial muscle twitching that practically everyone may experience, something that is brought about by some simple matters. They include:


  • Engaging in physical activity or exercise. After being physically active, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. This can cause muscle twitching most especially in the legs, arms and back.
  • Stress and anxiety. It’s not uncommon for you to experience facial muscle twitching when your stress level is high or you are feeling anxious. Muscle twitches caused by stress and anxiety, by the way, are also called “nervous ticks”.
  • Not drinking enough fluids throughout the day. Other than causing your muscles to cramp, dehydration can also make them twitch. Although large muscles of the body are the usually affected ones, even those in the face can twitch due to dehydration.
  • Consumption of caffeinated beverages. Coffee, tea, colas, energy drinks — consuming these beverages can cause muscles in your face and elsewhere to twitch because all of them contain caffeine, which is a stimulant.
  • Smoking. If you are smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products, it is very much likely for you to experience facial muscle twitching frequently because you are taking in lots of nicotine, which is a stimulant just like caffeine.
  • Irritation of the eye area. Skin around your eyes is very sensitive. Rubbing or scratching it or applying products with harsh chemicals on it can irritate the nerves in the area, resulting in that annoying muscle twitching of the eyelids or any other area near your peepers.
  • Deficiency in certain nutrients. You may encounter facial muscle twitching more often if your diet does not include good amounts of calcium which is important for the functioning of the muscles, as well as B vitamins that are vital for the health of the nerves.
  • Intake of certain drugs. Some medications such as those for inflammation and preventing pregnancy may cause twitching of the muscles in the hands, arms, legs and even the face as a side effect.
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Now that you know the various causes of minor twitching of the muscles of the face, it becomes really easy to identify some of the steps that you may take to keep it at bay, such as:

  • Reduce stress levels and control your anxiety. Have regular moderate exercises, meditate, and get a good night’s sleep each time.
  • Have a healthy diet. Eat fruits and vegetables, and consume foods that are rich in calcium and B vitamins. Obtain your protein from healthy sources like poultry, fish and beans.
  • Quit smoking and limit intake of caffeine. Turn your back on tobacco products and refrain from drinking too much coffee, soda and others with caffeine in them.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Also, consume alcohol in moderation as it has the tendency to leave you dehydrated.

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