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Friday, October 25, 2024

Herbal Teas That Help With Exercise Recovery

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After working out, it’s perfectly normal for your muscles to feel achy and swollen — it’s a sign that you just gave your muscles the kind of exercise they need in order to become stronger and bigger. However, that achiness and swelling you feel can also keep you from sticking to your regular workout regimen. It’s a good thing that there are many different herbal teas that you can count on to help in considerably shortening the recovery period.

Even though they say that there is no gain without pain, it can be very challenging for you to start exercising again when your muscles still feel achy and sore.

Other than the fact that you may not be able to give your 100 percent the next time you jog, swim or pump iron at the gym, having muscles that are aching and swelling can also put you at risk of getting yourself injured — that’s something that you definitely don’t want to happen as it can keep you from attaining your fitness goal on time.

So in order to make it so much easier for you to adhere to your regular workout schedule, recovering from your previous exercise faster is necessary. And did you know that something as simple as consuming certain herbal teas right after working out can make that a possibility? So if you want to ensure that muscle achiness and soreness won’t be a setback, continue reading. The following are some herbal teas that can help with exercise recovery:

Rosemary Tea

A cup of rosemary tea is very good at combating both pain and inflammation, and that’s why it makes for a wonderful post-workout herbal beverage. What’s so great about rosemary tea is it helps in flushing out toxins that can actually make your body hold on to fats due to hormonal imbalance.

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Dandelion Tea

Just like rosemary tea, dandelion tea helps in removing toxins that have accumulated in the body, and thus helping to make the elimination of fats so much easier for the body to carry out. The intake of dandelion tea also helps remove the various by-products of working out, thus helping your muscles to recover at a much faster rate.

Ginger Tea

Everybody knows that ginger tea is a great remedy for indigestion and nausea. Unfortunately, not too many people are aware that this herbal drink is also superb at reducing achiness and swelling of both muscles and joints. Experts say that ginger tea also has appetite-curbing properties, thus it can save you from overeating.

Marshmallow Tea

A lot of people who suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) rely on a cup of marshmallow tea in reducing heartburn and other symptoms. The said herbal tea may also be taken if you want to bounce back from your last workout at a much faster rate because it possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Honeybush Tea

Coming straight from South Africa, honeybush tea is an amazing post-workout herbal beverage because it supplies the muscles with minerals, thus keeping them from cramping as well as feeling weak. Honeybush tea is also known to help accelerate the metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories effectively.

Cinnamon Tea

Thanks to the pain- and swelling-reducing abilities of cinnamon tea, it’s something that you may take if you don’t want those achy and swelling muscles of yours to keep you from working out as scheduled. As a bonus, the consumption of this herbal drink can also keep hunger pangs at bay by keeping your blood sugar stabilized.

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Feel free to share this article on social media in order to let your health- or figure-conscious family and friends who want to exercise on a regular basis know how they can recover from working out so much faster with the simple intake of herbal teas that can help deal with muscles that are achy and swollen.

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