Finding the right diet to follow can be confusing at times as many claim that they are the best in the market today and will give you the results that you are looking for. Although there are diet programs that can actually help you shed weight, some are just considered as fad diets. The good news is that there are several diet plans that you can consider if you want to lose a few pounds here and there. Here is a break down so you will know which one you think will fit your lifestyle and the goal that you are aiming for.
Ketogenic Diet
Also referred to as the no-carb diet, this low carb diet actually pushes your body to use up stored fats for fuel rather than carbohydrates. What’s great about this diet is that it can actually reduce your carb intake up to 75grams per day which can have a significant effect to your weight. In this diet, you will be removing all the junk food in your diet, so that you will be left with healthy foods instead. Not only will this diet help you lose weight but it can also reduce the effects of inflammatory diseases too. However, this is not ideal for women who have hormonal imbalances, those who have thyroid problems, or are underweight. Also, you might experience irritability and fatigue.
If you have a family history of hypertension, you might want to follow the DASH diet which is aimed to lowering and even preventing high blood pressure. In this diet, you will be focusing more on foods that contain calcium, fiber, potassium, and protein all of which are essential in keeping high blood pressure at bay. The good news here is that there is no need to monitor everything that you are eating but rather focus more on foods that do contain them. Make sure that you reduce your intake of fatty meats, tropical oils, sweets, and even sugar-sweetened beverages.
Atkins Diet
This high protein, low-carb diet has been around since the 1990s and is still a popular choice by many. The Atkins Diet can help you shed weight easily especially when you mix it up with daily exercise. The problem with this diet is that it is hard to sustain and can even bring your weight up once you stop it. Also, following this diet can lead to digestive problems. And because it is more on high protein, low-carb diet, you are not focusing much on healthy eating.
Mediterranean Diet
This is one of the best diets so far as it not only focuses on weight loss, but it can also help in preventing cancer, diabetes, brain, and heart problems too. In this diet plan, you will be eating more vegetables, beans, legumes, fruits, whole grains, cheese, poultry, yogurt, and fish just to name a few. Add a splash of wine and make sure that you workout all the time and you are good to go. What’s great about this diet is that it is not structured so it is up to you to decide how much calories you want to lose. Once you get the hang of it, you will find it easier to keep your weight down easily.
Carb Cycling Diet
In this diet, women are required to stick with eating 1,500 to 2,300 calories per week with men’s calorie intake at 1,500 to 3,000 per week. This is easy to maintain because you can easily add or subtract 400 to 600 calories on your meals to stay within the diet. What’s great about this diet is that help you keep lean muscle mass, promote weight loss, and prevent or even reduce hormonal imbalances. However, signs of weight loss may not be as quick as other diet programs plus there are also side effects such as fatigue, cravings, and even headaches.