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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Tips on Getting that Perfect Bronze Glow

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No matter how much we complain that the sun is scorching hot during the summer, most of us still head towards the beach to get that sun-kissed glow to our skin. And this is not just the reason why people love to soak up the sun when possible. It’s also due to the fact that getting some sunshine can help boost the vitamin D levels in our body which is necessary for strong bones, skin, and teeth. However, too much exposure has its downsides too such as higher risk of skin cancer as well a premature ageing.

Still, there is no denying that having that bronze glow does make heads turn but keeping it for the rest of the year may be a bit trickier. Fortunately, there are several tips that you can take to achieve that perfect bronze glow throughout the year.

Find your formula

Self-tanning may be the approach you will be taking to achieve that bronze glow, but before you grab the first one that you see on the shelf, a bit of research can yield the best choice available based on your skin type. For example, those who have oily skin may want to get a gel-based self-tanning product, while those who are not really keen on applying some sticky substances on their skin, will do well to go for the mousse formula because this gets to sink faster into the skin.

Check your sunscreen

It is understandable that you will want to wear sunscreen to lessen the effects of the sun, but if you think that all sunscreen products are made the same, think again. If you want to maintain a healthy bronze glow, look for sunscreen with high SPF and broad spectrum properties. If you have light colored skin, you are better off choosing those that have higher SPF from 30 to 50. Just make sure that you reapply your sunscreen every two hours. Those who have dark skin can stick with sunscreen that has a SPF of 15.

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Prep your skin

If you want to get an even tan when you apply your self-tanning lotion, you will need to lay the foundation first. This means that you will need to cleanse and exfoliate your skin first, before removing any unwanted hair. Doing these steps will help even out your tan to get that perfect bronze glow.

Tanning time

Not everyone is aware of the term tanning time as most of us prefer to soak up the sun as long as possible. However, keep in mind that our skin can only produce pigment for two to three hours only, which means that spending more than the allotted time is merely putting yourself at risk of skin cancer and other skin issues.

Find some shade

You are not doing yourself or your skin any good, if you spend more than three hours out in the sun. Do rest in the shade every once in a while as this will reduce the amount of UV rays being directed on your skin. Another reason why is that it will help keep your tan looking healthy and it will last longer too.

Choose sun-friendly foods

If you want to achieve that perfect bronze glow, do pay attention to what you are eating. Foods that contain lycopene can help improve your skin’s sun protection up to 33%. You can also try adding green tea to your daily routine as well because it contains polyphenols that are good for your skin.

Getting that perfect bronze glow doesn’t mean using tanning beds, but rather taking smarter steps on the use of self-tanning products, and how to keep it that bronze glow naturally.

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