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Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Top 7 Benefits of Cinnamon

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The use of cinnamon in many food preparations and wellness activities has overwhelming effects on human health. Its value has been recognized for many centuries. There was even a time when cinnamon was more prized than gold. Although these days, majority of people would opt for a 24-karat gold piece over a 24-ounce cinnamon bark, this bark-cum-spice offers so many healthy benefits. Its short of amazing how this bark can spice up our lives in more ways than one.

In this article, we have sorted out the myths and the facts surrounding cinnamon. We asked health experts to give us their two cents on one of the most valuable spices there is.

Proven Benefits of Cinnamon on Human Health

1.Aid in Diabetes 2 Treatment and Management

It is true that there is no known cure for adult-onset diabetes. Despite this fact, doctors have concluded that cinnamon can help in the safe and effective management of Diabetes Type 2.

According to Certified Nutrition Consultant, Lori Kenyon Farley, cinnamon is effective in diabetes management in two ways:

– Cinnamon helps in reducing high blood pressure
– Cinnamon has positive effects n blood markers among those diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2

Further studies suggest that cinnamon shows promising results in lowering insulin resistance. It has been revealed the cinnamon can lower fasting blood sugar down 29%, thus reducing the incidence or further development of Diabetes 2. The compounds found in cinnamons affects muscle cells directly by forcing them to help in the process of removing sugar from the bloodstream, where conversion takes place. Cinnamon is so effective in reducing blood sugar, that it is considered to be more potent that some pharmaceutical-grade diabetes meds.

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The key to effective diabetes management is by increasing the insulin resistance capacity of the body. In essence, insulin sensitivity is inherence since birth, except for those suffering from Diabetes Type 1. This sensitivity goes down as we age and as we increase sugar consumption. As a result of aging and unhealthy lifestyle choices, excess starts floating in the bloodstream resulting in diabetes and other chronic conditions. Cinnamon works by repairing our receptors that makes them more responsive to insulin. Over time, people who supplement their diets with cinnamon experiences normalizing blood sugar levels as a result of enhanced insulin sensitivity.

2. Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels

Those who do not suffer from Diabetes Type 2 will also benefit from integrating cinnamon into their diets. According to health experts the positive impact of cinnamon on Diabetes Type-2 related symptoms are as follows:

– enhanced serum glucose
– lowered fasting blood glucose
– reduced triglyceride levels including LDL and total cholesterol

With all of these benefits, it is quite obvious that even those who do not suffer from Diabetes Type 2 can benefit from cinnamon consumption, including those with familial disposition to developing cholesterol issues. Aside from lowering bad cholesterol levels, cinnamon is also beneficial in that it raises good cholesterol levels.

For normal, health individuals, intake of cinnamon helps in mitigating the effects of high-fat meals by effectively slowing down the increase of blood sugar after meals. This simply means that even when you consume high-fat meals, their effects on your choice of food may not be as dangerous to health.

3. Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties

The addition of cinnamon in food preparation reduces chances of spoilage due to its anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial qualities. It’s not surprising to know that during the Middle Ages, cinnamon was added onto sweet and savory dishes for preservation and reduced chances of spoilage.

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These excellent qualities of cinnamon is not only limited to cooking and preparation, as it plays a crucial role n the treatment of many health problems, ranging from the common cold to even serious lung problems. People experiencing lung congestion issues benefit from cinnamon intake as this spice helps in managing congested lungs. More amazing news is that cinnamon also helps in HIV prevention in that it contains compounds that make it difficult for the virus to enter cells.

4. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Symptoms Management

The addition of cinnamon into daily diet can reduce the occurrence and attacks of symptoms among Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients. Cinnamon consumption helps in improving the neurons function properly. With regular intake, patients can well resume their daily activities with lesser difficulties.

5. Cinnamon may have anti-cancer qualities

Fruits and vegetables known to have anti-carcinogenic properties are considered superfoods. However this is true, it is important to be cautious in the intake of these food items as well. In the case of cinnamon, it is non-toxic and nature and has been claimed to boast anti-carcinogenic effects as well. Studies have been made to evaluate the efficacy of cinnamon in cancer treatment and management. Although tests were done on animals, and results were conclusive its potency for its anti-carcinogenic properties, more studies should be made on the effect of cinnamon on healthy. Further results reveal that animals given healthy doses of cinnamon as part of supplementation reveal slow growth of cancerous cells as well as stimulation of cancel cell death.

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Although there has been no proof whether cinnamon can provide the same benefits to humans, we can still utilize cinnamon as part of a wellness regime as it is packed with antioxidants that get rid of free radicals- compounds that contribute to cancer development.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cinnamon

The regular consumption of cinnamon can help lower the risk of developing both systemic and specific inflammation. The former is known to be the leading culprit in the prevalence of chronic conditions. The addition of cinnamon significantly reduces systemic inflammation.

Cinnamon is also responsible for the reduction of inflammation that happens in certain types of pain such as in the case of headache and arthritis. Cinnamon works amazingly in reducing inflammation by boosting circulation in areas targeted by arthritis. Boost in circulation also helps people suffering from Raynaud’s Syndrome as compounds in cinnamon aid in stimulating and pushing the circulation in between joints.

7. PCOS Management

The many healthy and beneficial characteristics of cinnamon enables it to help in managing symptoms associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome of PCOS. First on the many benefits of cinnamon is its role in managing insulin resistance for women diagnosed with PCOS. Women with PCOS gain weight as a result of insulin resistance; one of the many symptoms that surface with the condition.

Aside from effective management of symptoms PCOS also helps mitigate the heavy menstrual bleeding that happens among patients. With this in mind, cinnamon can also be used in managing conditions that affect female reproductive health such as uterine fibroids, menorrhagia, and endometriosis to name a few.

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