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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Save Your Strands: Ditching the Bad Habits that Cause You to Lose Hair

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Seeing clumps of hair in your shower drain or on your pillow when you wake up in the morning is enough to cause most people to go on a quick bout of panic attack. But truth be told, hair fall or hair loss is not only related to aging; there are also a lot of bad habits that can contribute to your hair loss woes. A person loses about 50-100 strands of hair on an average daily basis, according to the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology). However, if you are starting to see bald patches on your scalp or un-natural
hair thinning, then it’s time to pinpoint the culprit of such occurrence. Read below to see if you’re guilty of any of the following bad habits that can trigger hair loss.

1.You are super stressed-out.

Experiencing anything traumatic can cause a toll in your body and your psyche. Events like accidents, divorce, bankruptcy, bereavement and more can cause your hormones to fluctuate, your emotions to go on a roller-coaster ride, ergo contributing to the change in your hair cycle. In fact, hair loss can happen in 6 weeks to 3 months following a traumatic or stressful event. The kind of hair loss that happens after an undesirable event is referred to as telogen effluvium, which can also be caused by major surgeries, infections or delivering a baby. If you’re experiencing hair loss lately, reflect and see if you have encountered any stressful events in the last few months that may be contributing to your current dilemma. The good news is, your hair will grow back normally after your stress levels have been

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2. Your ponytail is too tight.

If you’re a fan of hair buns and ponytail, do you often catch yourself pulling your hair tightly back so it will create a flawless bun? The same goes if you’re fond of wearing tight extensions and braids. If so, then you should stop this nasty habit. You must understand that these hair styles can damage your hair
follicles over time which can result to a condition called traction alopecia. Though one tight hair style won’t necessarily harm your hair, continuously doing this over the years can lead to permanent hair damage or worse hair loss.

3. You are perennially blow-drying your hair.

It is true that too much of anything can sometimes be bad, and that certainly applies to the use of hair stylers and products. Just to be sure, limit your use of hair straighteners, blow dryers, curling irons and other equipments that use heat as it can damage your hair strands. Too much heat from these
equipments weakens the hair making it more prone to breakage and falling out. In cases where the use of such is really necessary, ensure that you coat your hair first with hair products that can counter the effects of excessive heat in your hair. It is recommended to air dry hair as much as possible and to never
use your curling irons or straighteners on wet hair.

4.You brush your hair while it’s still wet

A lot of people have the habit of immediately running a brush through their wet hair after getting out of the shower. Brushing damp or wet hair can cause breakage since hair is more delicate
especially when wet. Allow your hair to dry first before brushing it, that way you can minimize the instances of breakage and falling out. If you can’t wait for it to dry thoroughly, use a comb instead
and try to be gentle in doing so.

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5. You are eating all the wrong kinds of food.

Living on a healthy and balanced diet is almost always the key to everything, and that includes having healthy hair. Lack of protein and iron in the body can lead to hair loss. Those who frequently do crash dieting or have eating disorders often experience hair loss. If poor nutrition or diet is your dilemma, then you can just easily reverse its effects by balancing your food intake. Great sources of protein include eggs, meat, nuts, fish, beans and other seeds, while you can get your daily supply of iron from foods
like spinach, lentils, oysters, clams and more.

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