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Monday, February 10, 2025

Reasons Why Your Wrist is Hurting

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So many everyday activities entail the use of your wrists, from driving a car, playing a game on your cell phone to typing on a computer keyboard. It’s due to this why an achy wrist is something that is experienced by many. Below you will come across some of the most common reasons why your wrist feels painful.

After checking out the entirety of this article, kindly share it on your various social media sites. Some of your family members and friends may be experiencing wrist pain and they are completely clueless as to why.

Just a warning before you proceed: none of the pieces of information presented below should be mistaken for professional advice which only a health care provider can offer. If it seems like your wrist pain refuses to go away after a few days or is worsening, consider paying a doctor a visit to have your wrist checked.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There is a nerve that provides sensation to the thumb, index finger and a small portion of your ring finger, and it’s called the median nerve. It goes from your forearm to your hand via a small passageway in your wrist called carpal tunnel. Swelling in the wrist can cause the nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel to become pinched.

Health experts say that carpal tunnel syndrome is usually brought about by repetitive activities involving the hands, such as sewing or typing. Being overweight and having diabetes are regarded as risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome.


Everyone knows what arthritis is — the inflammation of the joints. It’s something that usually affects joints that support much of the body weight, such as the ankle and knee joints. However, joints that are used all the time such as your wrists are also susceptible to arthritis.

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There are hundreds of types of arthritis known to man. However, some of those that are likely to cause pain and swelling of the wrist include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.


When gout is mentioned, most people immediately think about pain and swelling of the big toe. Although it’s true that it is the big toe that is usually affected by gout, the truth is other joints in the body can be involved, too, like the wrist.

According to doctors, gout is due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Some of the most common causes of gout include overeating and excessive consumption of alcohol. Certain medications such as diuretics may be blamed as well. Those with diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease are at risk of gout.


Your muscles are attached to your bones with the help of thick bundles of connective tissue called tendons. There are instances in which the tendons end up inflamed, a condition referred to as tendinitis. Aside from the wrist, tendinitis is also commonly experienced in the heel, knee, shoulder and elbow joints.

Health experts say that repetitive movement or action is the primary cause of tendinitis. Your risk of suffering from it is higher especially if you carry out the motion in an improper way.


Surrounding your joints are fluid-filled sacs referred to by doctors as bursae. They are there in order to reduce friction each time you move your joints, thus keeping you from experiencing discomfort.

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Unfortunately, there are times in which those bursae themselves are the ones that can cause a great deal of pain. This is most especially true if they become inflamed, resulting in a condition known as bursitis. There are many different things that can cause bursitis to strike, and engaging in sports or manual labor is one of the most common of the bunch.

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