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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

How to Banish Freckles on Face

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Freckles are these light brown or tan spots that appear on your skin which contain melanin. Compared to moles, which often appear as raised bumps on the skin, freckles will appear flat and will not be painful to the touch. Even though this skin condition may be genetic, they can appear when you expose yourself to the sun. Although this doesn’t hurt your skin, you might want to reduce their appearance. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can do this such as:

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen can do more than just protect your skin, because it can also prevent the appearance of new freckles from appearing. What this means is that you will have to apply sunscreen all year round, regardless of the season. Experts recommend that you go for sunscreen that has a high SPF level, and that you apply it at least 15 minutes prior to leaving your home. If you will be spending some time outdoors, you should reapply your sunscreen every two hours. When you go swimming, or you find yourself sweating a lot, you should apply your sunscreen immediately.

Apple cider vinegar helps

Apple cider vinegar is another useful remedy for reducing the appearance of freckles because it contains malic acid which is known to lighten your skin tone.  To make this remedy, you will need to combine vinegar and honey then apply on your freckles. Allow it to set for 15 to 20 minutes then rinse it off afterwards with lukewarm water.

Topical retinoid cream

Another way to reduce the freckles on your skin is to apply retinoid cream which is a type of vitamin A compound. What retinoid creams can do is to enhance your sun-damaged skin which can lighten the appearance of your freckles. There are some side effects to this cream such as skin irritation, redness, sensitivity, and even skin irritation in some instances. Ask your doctor if it is possible to use this treatment on your skin.

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Aloe vera works

You can also use aloe vera to help lighten your freckles. What’s good about aloe vera is that it can help with the depigmentation of any dark areas on your skin, including your freckles. This is because of the aloesin present in the gel of the plant which you can apply safely on your skin. What this remedy does is to slow down the process of pigmentation in your skin. Harvest some fresh aloe vera gel and spread evenly on the affected area of your skin. You can leave it on overnight if you like or wash it off after a few minutes.

Baking soda

Another remedy that will help with your freckle problems is baking soda. You’ve probably heard on how baking soda is an all-around treatment, and it appears that it can also help with your freckle problems. What this ingredient can do is to help exfoliate your skin, so that any darkened areas can appear lighter, including your freckles. You will need 1 to 2 drops of castor oil as well as a pinch of baking soda. Mix the ingredients together and apply it on the freckles on your skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes then wash it off afterwards.

Your freckles may not be causing you some embarrassing moments, but these remedies will help reduce their appearance on your skin. You can use these first to see if any discoloration will be removed or discuss your options with your doctor if you are worried that your freckles are still there. Laser surgery is worth considering but explore other solutions first.

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