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Friday, October 25, 2024

Essential Oils That Help Zap Cellulite

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Cellulite can make your thighs and buttocks appear lumpy and dimpled, and it can definitely throw your self-confidence out of the window. Just about anyone can be bugged by cellulite, but it’s something that often pesters individuals carrying excess body pounds.

Nowadays, there are many different products and procedures available for cellulite. Unfortunately, most of them carry very steep price tags. More importantly, not all of them can meet expectations.

Rather than employ any of those expensive solutions, consider going for essential oils — yes, the very same products commonly used for combating headaches, stress, anxiety and insomnia can also be used for battling cellulite.

Essential oils can be used in a handful of ways in cellulite elimination. Just a few drops of them can be:

  • Combined with carrier oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil and olive oil and used for massaging the affected areas of the body on a regular basis.
  • Placed on a dry brush with soft and all-natural bristles, and then used on parts where there are cellulite in order to stimulate blood flow as well as encourage the removal of toxins.
  • Added to bathwater in which the body may be immersed for several minutes, also helping to lower stress levels or ease anxiety or depression, depending on the oil used.

There are so many essential oils that are said to be effective against cellulite. Let us now take a look at some of them so that you may already get your cellulite-fighting endeavor set in motion:

  • Fennel. Experts in aromatherapy say that fennel essential oil is something that helps in breaking down fatty tissue as well as promoting diuresis, which encourages elimination of toxins.
  • Grapefruit. This essential oil is also known to help get rid of excess weight other than cellulite. What makes it work is its ability to remove excess water as well as curb the appetite.
  • Lemongrass. Employing this essential oil helps flush out excess fluid and at the same time get you energized, thus letting you be physically active, which can make that cellulite go away.
  • Rosemary. According to experts, rosemary essential oil works in a couple of ways: it prevents toxins from accumulating in the tissue, and it drives excess water out of the body.
  • Geranium. This essential oil encourages proper blood circulation, and that’s why it helps accelerate the removal of toxins, which is important when fighting off cellulite in an all-natural fashion.
  • Patchouli. A few drops of this essential oil with superb diuretic properties to your favorite carrier oil can be used for massaging areas of the body with cellulite.
  • Bitter orange. Experts say that bitter orange essential oil is a very good fighter of cellulite because it helps accelerate the metabolism, promote body detoxification and reduce inflammation.
  • Ginger. Speaking of inflammation, another essential oil that is capable of controlling it is that which is obtained from ginger, and thus it’s an effective natural solution for cellulite.
  • Lime. This particular essential oil is teeming with antioxidants that greatly help in improving the appearance of your skin by making it taut, thus causing the dimpling due to cellulite to be less noticeable.
  • Cedar wood. In the world of aromatherapy, cedar wood essential oil is known to stimulate the removal of toxins that have accumulated in the tissues, making it great for the fight against cellulite.
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These are some of the essential oils that can help in improving cellulite. Do take note, however, that the use of these powerful essential oils alone won’t give you impressive results. While relying on these essential oils, it’s also very important for you to have your regular dose of exercise as well as opt for healthy eating habits.

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