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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Workouts During Pregnancy

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Keeping up your regular exercise throughout your pregnancy is important to keep you and your baby healthy. Though, you cannot go through it with the same intensity as you would post pre-pregnancy. Exercise can help decrease some of the discomfort caused by pregnancy, such as fatigue, back pain and posture. Exercise during pregnancy is also said to reduce the chance of gestational diabetes and stress. However, what is deemed physically safe for you and your baby during pregnancy. There are certain exercises that are not good for the baby and may cause you to miscarry. What is the fine line where we
cannot cross when it comes to working out? Below is some information you need to remember when it comes to workouts and pregnancy.

Safe Workouts

  • Cardio activities such as low impact aerobics, Pilates, yoga and so on are advised for pregnant women since it can help with movement, but still be able to keep the heart rate in the 140 beats per minute line. Anything that can raise your heart rate above that level is a strict no!
  • If you never worked out before your pregnancy consult your doctor first.Do not try anything new since your fitness levels aren’t defined. Go slow and take it gradually. Start walking 10 minutes a day until it increases with time.
  • Swimming and Walking are the best exercise during pregnancy since it can work out the body without putting any strain on the heart. Most gynecologist advice women to take 30 minutes or more of exercise on most days of the week. Doing it every day can cause a few strains on the body.
  • Indoor Stationary cycling is a great exercise during pregnancy. It can help tone the whole body while improving your blood flow. This exercise can be easily continued
    post pregnancy.
  • Any type of exercise is deemed safe as long as you are being monitored by your physician and is in an environment where you can be watched over by a family member.
  • Strength and toning exercises are great during pregnancy, though heavy lifting is a big no. Stick to light weights. Moves that can help strengthen the back can help you reduce back pain and prevent bad posture.
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Exercise Don’ts

  • If you have any serious health problem such as type 1 diabetes, heart disease,
    asthma and so on. It is ill advised to exercise during pregnancy since this can be harmful to you and your unborn child. Exercise can cause a weak cervix, bleeding and at time miscarriage.
  • If have experience pre-mature labor in your current pregnancy, it is advised not to exercise or perform any strenuous activities to prevent serious health risk.
  • People that suffer from severe anemia should be careful when it comes to moderate exercise.They should monitor themselves before and after their workout. If you start to
    experience nausea or a headache stop working out immediately.
  • People that tend to be severely overweight or underweight are not allowed to work out during pregnancy since this can affect the natural heart rate and blood flow in
    the body. It is important for women that are severely underweight to gain a few pounds for their safety and their child’s health. This goes the same for women that are overweight, you can shed off a few pounds by lessening your calorie count rationally.
  • Exercises that use rapid movements are generally safe during pregnancy. Though, further along the term balance will start to hinder this movement that can make you more prone to falling and injuries.
  • Any activity that requires you to hold your breath can cause serious health risk to your child’s development and should be avoided at all cost.
  • Sports that can cause you to fall or get seriously injured such as volleyball, skiing and horseback riding.
  • Exercises that require you to stretch while bouncing can affect your unborn child and your heart rate. It’s ideal to stick to stretching alone.
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Before exercising always warm up for five minutes and stretch for another five. This can prevent muscle strain and injury. Never do exercises that require you to lay on your back or side for long periods of time. Wear loose clothes, never exercise if do not meet the required calories, keep a water bottle handy and always go for regular checkups. If you experience any of the following; chest pains, feel cold, have vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, feel faint, fluid from the vagina,difficulty walking and shortness of breath during your exercise stop immediately and go to your doctor.

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