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Thursday, October 24, 2024

What is the Isagenix Diet?

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Losing weight is not that easy to do. You’ve probably tried almost everything just to see your weight go down. There are dozens of diet plans that claim to help you lose weight but may not be that effective at all. However, there are those that seem to do the trick too and one of them is the Isagenix Diet.

The Isagenix Diet is actually a supplement plan that is designed to support weight loss with the help of shakes, pills, cleanses, and bars that said to burn fats through detoxification.

How The Diet Works

The Isagenix 30-Day system is promoted as a cleansing and fat-burning program that can be used long-term to fight off weight gain. The program contains meal-replacements like shakes as well as supplements that can help you with cleansing your system to assist with weight loss. This includes Isaflush laxative capsule and fat burner capsule that are needed for cleansing. The cleanse days are designed to remove the toxins in your system with the format being similar to that of intermittent fasting.

In this program, you will have shake days and there are cleanse days:

Shake days

During shake days, you will be replacing two of your meals with Isagenix shakes while the third meal is one where you will need to consume 400 to 600 calories worth of healthy meal.

Cleanse days

On cleanse days, you will need to eat 4 servings of the Isagenix Cleanse for Life Liquid with Isagenix snacks up to six times in a day. These will be consumed in place of your regular meals.

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There are supplements that can be taken during these days which are included in the pack and these are:

Natural accelerator

It comes with green tea, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, as well as cocoa seed which are chosen to help burn fats and increase metabolism.


These are daily capsules that are made from herbs as well as minerals that promote better digestion as well as overall health. The main ingredient here is magnesium which is considered as a laxative. This can assist in detoxifying your body.

Ionix Supreme

This particular drink supports clarity, focus, as well as boosting one’s energy levels.

Once you have completed the month-long program, you can either restart it, or choose a different diet program from the same company.

Pros and Cons of Isagenix Diet

As with any diet program, you should be able to weigh the pros and cons of the diet before trying it out. Let’s find out:


  • Reduces calorie intake and promoting portion eating.
  • Saves you time which is good for your busy schedule.
  • Convenient because you have pre-packaged food.
  • Numerous supplemental programs to choose from that will suit your weight loss needs.


  • Contains processed sugar that comes with tons of additives as well as sugar.
  • Doesn’t promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Not a good replacement for the nutrients that you are getting from whole foods.
  • It is quite restrictive for a weight loss diet.

Side Effects of the Isagenix Diet

Although this calorie-restrictive diet does help you lose weight, it does come with several side effects such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain and cramping
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Although this diet looks promising for those who want to lose weight, there are certain drawbacks to it that you need to consider. That said, instead of forcing yourself into a restrictive diet, a better option would be to stick with health, whole foods such as vegetables and fruits as well as whole grains for that matter. Not only will they help you fill your belly up, but they will not add to your calorie intake too.

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