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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Real Mom Tips for Losing Pregnancy Weight

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Mothers often lose some pregnancy weight after giving birth especially when they breastfeed their baby and once their usual metabolism kick starts once more, but sooner or later, that weight loss will hit a wall and you’ll find yourself wondering why is that you’re not losing any weight any more. This is quite normal because breastfeeding can only do so much. If you really want to keep shedding pounds until you reach your right weight, try these tips out as recommended by mothers.

  • Don’t make any excuses not to exercise. If you’ve been coming up with excuses that you can’t workout regularly because you have to take care of the baby, the house, and what not, you should really change your way of thinking. After all, you can always exercise any time you want. It’s just a matter of being willing to start working out regardless of the time of day and even when you’re just going to workout 10 minutes at a time.
  • Drink more water. Another trick to start losing weight after you have given birth is to drink more water. You can sip a glass before, during, and after you breastfeed so that you will stay hydrated and your belly full too. For sure, you will be less likely to munch on some chips or other sweets while you’re belly is still full.
  • Watch the portions. Eating a lot when you were pregnant is reasonable since you are eating for two but now that you are no longer pregnant, it is better that you reduce your food consumption. Skip eating junk food in between meals and just go for healthier options like fruits and vegetables.
  • Step up your weight loss. If your home has two floors, keep the nursing station on the top floor. This will force you to go up and down the stairs which is actually beneficial to you because you are going to burn calories in the process.
  • Walk it off. If you want to keep burning those excess pounds off, walking is a good workout to incorporate in your day. Bring your baby with you in a stroller and start walking for 30 minutes or so. This will keep your heart rate up so your metabolism will get a boost.
  • Workout with baby. Just because you can’t find time to go to the gym, it doesn’t mean that you can’t squeeze in a workout while attending to your little one. As a matter of fact, you can use your bonding time as part of your weight loss training. You can even make your baby part of your fitness session. Just make sure that your baby is properly strapped in a chair or carrier while you workout so you can keep an eye on him while you do your training. Your baby will probably laugh at your antics so go ahead and have fun.
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These are just a few tips on how you can burn that pregnancy weight faster. Just make sure that you don’t rush into losing weight because you need to make your health your number one priority.

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