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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Great (and Safe) Fat Loss Tips for Teens

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Here are seven tips for teenagers who want to lose fat and stay healthy and safe doing so. Follow the training and diet plans as well.

Nowadays, an increasing number of teens are becoming overweight. They are surrounded by unhealthy commercial diets, and sedentary lifestyles. Sometimes, they don’t even have the means to be more active which can make it hard to be healthy.

Fortunately, there is also an increasing number of young people who are prepared to do what it takes to become healthier.

If you train yourself to eat well and be active when you’re young, odds are you’ll have this mindset when you get older.

Teens have to remember a few things though when trying to lose weight and burn fat, to make sure they stay safe and healthy.

1. Consuming enough calories

If you have a lower calorie intake than you need to keep your weight, you’ll lose fat. That’s a fact. But it’s also a fact that if you consume too few calories, you might maintain proper growth.

Because you’re still in the process of growth and development, towards adulthood, you should take proper nutrition seriously. Consume the vital vitamins and minerals. If you’re dieting, there should be a supplement (such as a multivitamin), and you should be consume food with calcium.

As far as calories are concerned, the limit is thirteen calories for every pound of body weight daily. You cannot go lower than that as a teen since you are still growing.

2. Being active

Instead of trying to shave of calories, try focusing on living a more active lifestyle. This way, you can consume more calories, and still lose weight. An active lifestyle is also great for your muscles and bones.

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It doesn’t need to be in a gym. You can do all sorts of spots or activities. As you as you’re moving, it’s all good. Walking outdoors with a friend is better for your health and weight loss goals, than sitting on your couch, watching television.

Also remember that if you’re a teen and you force yourself to lift in the gym, even if you don’t like it, you’ll start to harbor a resentment for the activity, which could put you off gyms forever.

3. Staying away from low carb diets

Teens may go for low carb diets because of the promise of losing weight, but again, teens are not adults. Teens need to grow, and carbs give off proper nutrition to keep teens on track for proper growth.

It’s always good to limit refined sugar and carbohydrates in your meals, but stick with fruits, veggies and whole grains since they have health benefits your growing body needs. Just be vigilant about the total calories consumed.

4. Keeping a healthy body image

Keep a healthy body image when you try to burn the fat. Girls have this issue more than boys, especially when they feel pressured into having a particular look.

Because of the media, the number of young people with eating disorders is increasing. It’s okay to want to be and look your best, but don’t compare yourself to others all the time.

Look for help as soon as you think you have issues with how you look, or if you think you have an eating disorder. These are serious problems that can have a very negative impact on your health.

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5. Focusing on correct form

When you lift weights, always do so using proper form. This will keep you safe from injury, and help you foster good habits for when you get older.

It is highly recommended that teens below sixteen do body weight exercises. If they use weights, they are urged to keep the weights light while doing more repetitions.

Also, have a personal trainer teach you how to do things properly, so you can familiarize yourself with the movements and the patterns of the exercise.

6. Getting support

Having other people help you is a big plus if you want to burn fat and get healthier.

Friends, relatives, a school counselor or other groups with teens doing the same thing can be great sources of support.

7. Avoiding diet pills

Whatever you do, stay away from diet pills. It is never a healthy way to lose fat. It can also have very negative long-term effect on your health.

You should be focusing on your diet and being active.

Workout Program

Check out the schedule below. Let yourself get around thirty to sixty seconds of rest in-between exercises. Don’t use weights that are more than twenty pounds. If you’re not that strong, use lighter weights. Don’t forget to warm-up before working out, and cool down, after.

MON: Cardio Warm up for five minutes. Jog or bike or do sports for twenty to thirty minutes. Cool down for five minutes.

TUE: Training A

Do three sets of eight to ten repetitions of barbell squats.

Do three sets of eight to ten repetitions of pushups.

Do three sets of eight to ten repetitions of dumbbell shoulder presses.

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Do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions of dumbbell lunges.

Do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions of side lateral raises.

Do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions of barbell curls.

Do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions of bench dips Do four sets of twelve repetitions of lying leg curls.

WED: Cardio Warm up for five minutes. Alternate sixty seconds of high intensity training and sixty seconds of low intensity training. Do ten sets of this before cooling down for five minutes.

THU: Training B

Do three sets of eight to ten repetitions of freehand jump squats.

Do three sets of eight to ten repetitions of pushups.

Do three sets of eight to ten repetitions dumbbell flys.

Do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions of dumbbell step ups.

Do three sets of ten to twelve repetitions of pull-ups.

Do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions of front dumbbell raises.

Do two sets of fifteen repetitions of standing calf raises.

Do four sets of fifteen repetitions of exercise ball crunches.

FRI: Cardio Warm up for five minutes. Jog or bike or do sports for twenty to thirty minutes. Cool down for five minutes.

Diet Plan

Meal A: Proteins, Complex Carbohydrates, Fats and Fruits

Meal B: Proteins, Complex Carbohydrates, Fruits or Veggies

Meal C: Proteins, Complex Carbohydrates, Veggies and Fats

Meal D: Proteins, Complex Carbohydrates, Fruits or Veggies

Meal E: Proteins, Complex Carbohydrates, Veggies and Fats

Meal F: Proteins, Fats and Fruits

Always remember what you’ve read here if you’re a teen trying to burn fat and lose weight. Keep yourself safe and healthy, and reap all the long-term benefits.

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