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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Foot Pain Risk Factors – Factors that Can Increase Your Risk of Suffering from Foot Pain

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Risk factors are things that increase a person’s chances or odds of developing a certain disease, disorder, or health condition. Foot pain, one of the most common complaints that many people have when they visit their primary health caregivers, is associated with numerous risk factors. This is especially true for those who are already suffering from other health problems such as diabetes and arthritis. However, anyone can experience pain located in their foot/feet. To help you understand this type of pain better, here are the most common foot pain risk factors.


As a person ages, he or she is at higher risk of suffering from foot pain. This is because as a person gets older, his/her feet becomes flattened and widened due to the wearing down of the foot’s sole. In addition, skin moisture is also lost, resulting in dryer skin. Foot pain in the elderly population are often indications of conditions related to age, including diabetes, circulatory problems, and arthritis. So for those who are suffering from these conditions, they are subjected to higher levels of foot pain risk factors.

Cosmetic Surgeries

A lot of people who take their appearance very seriously often undergo various types of cosmetic surgeries. A popular procedure is cosmetic foot surgery. They undergo this procedure just so they can wear high-heeled shoes. Cosmetic surgeries of the foot often involve toe shortening, feet narrowing, and silicone
injections. While many of these procedures have been successful, the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) strongly advises individuals not to pursue such procedures, as they potentially increases an individual’s risk factors for foot pain.


Gender also plays a huge role in increasing a person’s risk
for developing foot pain. The female population is more susceptible to suffering from this type of pain, generally because of the kind of footwear that they wear on a regular basis. In most cases, women suffering from foot pain are those who have worn high-heeled shoes as well as other footwear that are not well-fitting for a long period of time. In addition, severe foot pain is also considered to be one of the main causes of disability in the female gender.

Occupational Risk Factors

About 120,000 work-related injuries to the foot are reported every year. 1/3 of these injuries involve pain, trauma, and injuries to the toes. These foot pain risk factors are attributed to certain types of foot conditions, such as foot and ankle arthritis, adult-acquired flat foot, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. These foot problems are often brought about by repetitive use at work, such as standing for long periods of time and walking long distances.

Dancing, Sports, and Other Extreme Physical Activities

Foot pain risk factors are also higher for those who love to and regularly dance, play sports, and perform other extreme physical activities. These risk factors are brought about by the high-impact effort that they exert whenever they engage in such activities, since these activities involve the use of the feet. Achilles tendinitis, heel spurs, stress fractures, sesamoiditis, and plantar fasciitis are some of the conditions that can bring about foot pain.
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