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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Essential Oil Mixtures to Beat Allergies

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Allergies can be quite bothersome to say the least especially when it triggers uncontrollable sneezing, watery eyes, redness, itching, and even difficulty in breathing. The severity of the symptoms depends from one person to the next so it is sometimes hard to find a good treatment that will work on you. There are many factors that can cause allergies to appear such as pollen, dairy, mold, certain types of food, medicine, and even pet dander. When you are allergic to anyone of these, you know how uncomfortable it is to deal with the symptoms that accompany your allergy.

If you are looking for ways to combat your allergies, you might want to try using essential oils. There are several options for you to try out depending on what you are allergic to. Here are a few options to consider.


Lavender oil is not just used for making you feel calm during times of stress, but it can also be used to treat allergies since it has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. You can use this oil when your allergies are triggered. You should diffuse this oil to fight off inflammation that is causing your allergies.


Another essential oil that has been proven time and time again to be useful when it comes to allergies is lemon essential oil. This is due to the fact that lemon contains antihistamine properties that can actually keep seasonal allergies at bay. It can even fight off inflammation that has been triggered by allergies such as blocked nose and nasal passages. Another plus to using lemon essential oil is that it can help keep your lymphatic system working properly so there will be fewer blockages to worry about when your allergies do hit.

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Tea Tree

This inexpensive oil is a good addition to your list of essential oils to use when you have allergies because it can be used to treat skin allergies effectively. However, there are certain restrictions to consider when using this oil such as avoid ingesting the oil and don’t mix it with lavender oil and use it on boys who are not yet past their adolescent stage because of hormonal side effects. This essential oil is often applied topically on any redness, itching, or swelling on the skin caused by allergies.


If your allergies are causing your nasal passages to be blocked then you will find eucalyptus oil to be a good treatment to use. This is because eucalyptus helps clear up blocked nasal passages so that you will be able to breathe easier. You can use this too when it comes to treating other symptoms like asthma, congestion, sore throat, or even cough for that matter. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil can also be used in treating skin allergies.


Clove oil is known for its antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties which is why you might want to include this in your list of essential oils that you can use for your allergies. You can use it on a variety of allergies which is one of the reasons why it is sometimes referred to as the “protective herb”. Clove is gentler compared to eucalyptus so it is not that difficult to incorporate it into your daily use.


For those who have coughs because of asthma or other allergies, you will find that using Ginger essential oil can help provide you with relief because it works as an expectorant. What it does is to help you expel the phlegm forming in your respiratory system. 

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These are just a few essential oils that you can mix with carrier oils before using as treatment for your allergies. You will find that they are quite effective when it comes to alleviating symptoms of allergies so you will feel better soon.

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