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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Natural Remedies for Perioral Dermatitis

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Perioral dermatitis is a form of dermatitis that appears around the mouth. Usually, it is characterized by a rash that is red and inflamed. Sometimes it can by flaky and scaly, and weepy as well. Needless to say, having perioral dermatitis can leave you in great discomfort and most especially sheer embarrassment.

Are you suffering from dermatitis elsewhere on your body? Chances are you may also develop perioral dermatitis. But just because you don’t have dermatitis doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t have perioral dermatitis.

Using personal care and cosmetic products with irritating chemicals can bring about perioral dermatitis, in particular the kinds that are used on the face and especially around the mouth. Medical experts say that it may also be due to the usage of toothpastes and mouthwashes containing fluoride, which is an irritant to some.

Planning on covering your perioral dermatitis with makeup? You can’t! As soon as you develop this very embarrassing skin issue, it’s a must for you to stop using cosmetics on your face, most especially on the area surrounding the mouth. Otherwise, the chemicals in those skin products may only leave the problem exacerbated.

A doctor may prescribe antibiotics, sometimes the kind that is applied on the affected areas of the skin and other times orally taken ones. However, long-term use of antibiotics is usually required for the effective treatment of perioral dermatitis. The downside to this is antibiotic intake do not come without side effects. What’s more, it’s possible for the problem to strike back after having the treatment course discontinued.

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Because of this, many people who are bugged by perioral dermatitis prefer to tackle their skin problem by means of some all-natural solutions. If you have perioral dermatitis, you may try the following effective remedies:

Aloe Vera Gel

The application of aloe vera gel on perioral dermatitis may be done twice a day until the skin problem goes away. The said gel has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the rash around the mouth. Aloe vera gel also has antimicrobial properties that work just as well as antibiotics, but without side effects.

Green Tea

Do you love drinking green tea on an everyday basis? Then you may also use your favorite beverage for dealing with your perioral dermatitis naturally. Allow a little of your green tea to cool to room temperature, and apply on problem areas using a cotton ball. You may also pat the used green tea bag on your perioral dermatitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One very effective natural remedy for a variety of skin problems is apple cider vinegar, and it’s also very good against perioral dermatitis. Simply dilute 1 part of it to 3 parts of distilled water. Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture on the area around your mouth. This home remedy may be performed up to twice a day.

Plain Yogurt

Everyone knows that consuming yogurt on a regular basis is good for the gut and overall health. Did you know that this healthy treat is also a superb remedy for perioral dermatitis? Twice a day, you may leave a little of it on the rash for a few minutes before washing it off with water. Don’t forget to use plain yogurt, not the flavored kind.

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Turmeric Paste

It’s no secret that turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, and that’s why this very popular spice can be used for the management of perioral dermatitis. All you have to do is add a few drops of water to a little turmeric. Apply the resulting paste on trouble spots. Once dry, gently rinse off with water.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Carefully minding what you eat can also help in dealing with the problem that strikes around your mouth. It is a good idea to steer clear of foods that are fatty and sugary as they can trigger inflammation. A lot of people with perioral dermatitis swear by the effectiveness of going on a gluten-free diet.

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