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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Homemade Products for Oily Skin

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Oily skin can be a huge problem for many as their face often gets that extra shine by the time mid-afternoon comes in. Although it is said that oily skinned people don’t have to worry about signs of premature aging, they can still have other issues to worry about such as acne breakouts, inflammation, rashes, and having to deal with the greasy sheen to your skin. Another problem with having oily skin is that you need to find the right skin care products that will not worsen your skin’s condition. Fortunately, you can heave a sigh of relief now that there are homemade products that can help you deal with oily skin such as the ones below.


One home remedy or ingredient that you can use on oily skin is honey. What’s great about honey is that it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can provide a huge relief to acne-prone skin. It is also a natural humectant which means that it keeps the skin moist but won’t make it too oily. You can apply a thin layer of raw organic honey on your face and allow it to dry before rinsing. This will help minimize the oiliness on your skin.

Almond honey scrub

The combination of almonds and honey can create the perfect scrub that will help remove the dead skin cells on your skin. What’s even better about mixing these two ingredients is that they can help get rid of other impurities too. Combine almond meal with honey until you create a paste. Massage it on your face using a hot wash cloth for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse afterwards.

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Another home ingredient that can help with oily skin is oatmeal. What’s great about oatmeal is that, aside from being a good breakfast meal, it can also help absorb excess oil from your skin. It can also help reduce any inflammation too which is another reason why you should use it as part of your skin care regimen. You will need ½ cup of ground oats with hot water to form a paste. Add a tablespoon of honey and stir. Massage the oatmeal mixture on to your face for three minutes then rinse with warm water. Pat dry afterwards. You can apply the oatmeal mixture on your face if you like and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Strawberry and lemon face mask

Instead of using that over the counter astringent on your skin, you might want to prepare your own face mask instead. The combination of strawberries and lemon are perfect for your astringent needs and it can even help improve your skin’s condition too. You will need a tablespoon of lemon juice, concentrated, or freshly squeezed, two tablespoons of honey, two egg whites, 4 drops of jojoba oil, and a cup of mashed strawberries. Mix all the ingredients then apply on your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes. You can give some to your friends too if you like. This mask works best when the ingredients are fresh.

Egg whites and lemon

Another useful homemade product to use on your skin is the combination of lemons and egg white. What’s great about these two ingredients is that they can actually help tighten the pores which can minimize the amount of oil your skin is producing. Mix together one egg white and lemon juice. Apply on your face and leave it on until it dries. Remove using water and pat dry.

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