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Tips on Managing Blurred Vision

Blurring of vision refers to the loss of sharpness of eyesight, which makes objects appear hazy or defocused. One of the visual complaints people...

Easy Guide to Facial Oils

Facial oils are quite popular nowadays as they have been proven effective in nourishing the skin. Years ago, many were scoffing at the idea...

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8 Suprising Causes of Body Odor You Should Know

You might be wondering how on earth did you get a body odor despite taking a shower regularly. Well there are some smell that...

Learn About the 6 Types of Obese Individuals, According to a Study

Eat less food and exercise more often — these pieces of advice are commonly given to obese individuals. According to a study, however, there...

Best Super Foods You Should Eat for Weight Loss

You should eat more to weigh less? This is the new slim-down motto! The right foods, help you lose up to two pounds a...

Celiac Disease Causes and Symptoms

Celiac disease refers to a genetic autoimmune disorder, which involves gluten in the diet. Ingestion of gluten results to small intestine, which leads to...

Low Calorie Snacks that are Good for Your Health

You’ve probably experienced a time when you just feel hungry throughout the day. This may be due to lack of energy because you slept...

Must Read

Everything you need to know about the re-reboot of yourself.


Make Your Skin “Winter-Ready” with These Ten Superfoods

Have you ever noticed that you use more bottles of lotion, facial moisturizers, and sticks of lip balm during winter? It’s almost painful to speak because of cracked lips...

Tips on Boosting the Height

For some people, being taller gives them some benefits. These benefits include being able to reach high places like ceiling and an edge in...

Detoxify the Lymphatic System

Many of us are unaware of our lymphatic system and how much it does for us. Our lymphatic system works like a silent nurse....

Here’s How you Can Avoid Shoulder Injuries during Workouts

Every strength and core exercise routines include shoulder exercises, but you should be careful since the risk of having shoulder injury when exercises are...
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